Aplicació de la semblança molecular quàntica en la reducció de l’espai configuracional per a l’estat fonamental i primers excitats de l’àtom d’Heli |
Carbó-Dorca, Ramon
; Bach, A.
2000 |
Aplicació de la semblança molecular quàntica en la reducció de l’espai configuracional per a l’estat fonamental i primers excitats de l’àtom d’Heli |
Carbó-Dorca, Ramon
; Bach, Albert
2009 |
Effective atomic orbitals for fuzzy atoms |
Mayer, István
; Salvador Sedano, Pedro
Effective atomic orbitals for fuzzy atoms |
Mayer, István
; Salvador Sedano, Pedro
Electron Localization Function at the Correlated Level: A Natural Orbital Formulation |
Feixas Geronès, Ferran
; Matito i Gras, Eduard
; Duran i Portas, Miquel
; Solà i Puig, Miquel
; Silvi, Bernard
2010 |
Electron Localization Function at the Correlated Level: A Natural Orbital Formulation |
Feixas Geronès, Ferran
; Matito i Gras, Eduard
; Duran i Portas, Miquel
; Solà i Puig, Miquel
; Silvi, Bernard
2004 |
Energy partitioning for "fuzzy" atoms |
Salvador Sedano, Pedro
; Mayer, István
Energy partitioning for "fuzzy" atoms |
Salvador Sedano, Pedro
; Mayer, István
2005 |
Estimates of electronic coupling for excess electron transfer in DNA |
Voityuk, Alexander A.
Estimates of electronic coupling for excess electron transfer in DNA |
Voityuk, Alexander A.
Evaluation of the nonlinear optical properties for an expanded porphyrin Hückel-Möbius aromaticity switch |
Torrent Sucarrat, Miquel
; Anglada, Josep M.
; Luis Luis, Josep Maria
Evaluation of the nonlinear optical properties for an expanded porphyrin Hückel-Möbius aromaticity switch |
Torrent Sucarrat, Miquel
; Anglada, Josep M.
; Luis Luis, Josep Maria
1 juny 2018 |
Evaluation of the nonlinear optical properties for an expanded porphyrin Hückel-Möbius aromaticity switch |
5 juny 2018 |
Evaluation of the nonlinear optical properties for an expanded porphyrin Hückel-Möbius aromaticity switch |
Torrent Sucarrat, Miquel
; Anglada, Josep M.
; Luis Luis, Josep Maria
2012 |
Evaluation of the nonlinear optical properties for an expanded porphyrin Hückel-Möbius aromaticity switch |
Torrent Sucarrat, Miquel
; Anglada, Josep M.
; Luis Luis, Josep Maria
1996 |
How does basis set superposition error change the potential surfaces for hydrogen-bonded dimers? |
Simon i Rabasseda, Sílvia
; Duran i Portas, Miquel
; Dannenberg, J. J.
How does basis set superposition error change the potential surfaces for hydrogen-bonded dimers? |
Simon i Rabasseda, Sílvia
; Duran i Portas, Miquel
; Dannenberg, J. J.
2003 |
Negative Fukui functions: new insights based on electronegativity equalization |
Bultinck, Patrick
; Carbó-Dorca, Ramon
; Langenaeker, Wilfried
Negative Fukui functions: new insights based on electronegativity equalization |
Bultinck, Patrick
; Carbó-Dorca, Ramon
; Langenaeker, Wilfried
One- and two-center energy components in the atoms in molecules theory |
Salvador Sedano, Pedro
; Duran i Portas, Miquel
; Mayer, István
One- and two-center energy components in the atoms in molecules theory |
Salvador Sedano, Pedro
; Duran i Portas, Miquel
; Mayer, István
1 juny 2018 |
One- and two-center energy components in the atoms in molecules theory |
5 juny 2018 |
One- and two-center energy components in the atoms in molecules theory |
Salvador Sedano, Pedro
; Duran i Portas, Miquel
; Mayer, István
2001 |
One- and two-center energy components in the atoms in molecules theory |
Salvador Sedano, Pedro
; Duran i Portas, Miquel
; Mayer, István
2007 |
One- and two-center physical space partitioning of the energy in the density functional theory |
Salvador Sedano, Pedro
; Mayer, István